Welcome to the West Tennessee Bujinkan We train in Bujinkan Budo
Taijutsu as taught by Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi. This site is for anyone
interested to lean basic information about our classes and the Bujinkan.
Our practices include Taihenjutsu
( methods of rolling , falling, footwork, and body positioning skills )
,Dakentaijutsu ( striking methods that attack bones , organs, and pressure
points) , and Jutaijutsu ( grappling skills that include , joint manipulation,
throwing, and take down skills). These things incorporated in with weapons
training and ground fighting skills make this a well-rounded martial
Taijutsu as taught by Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi. This site is for anyone
interested to lean basic information about our classes and the Bujinkan.
Our practices include Taihenjutsu
( methods of rolling , falling, footwork, and body positioning skills )
,Dakentaijutsu ( striking methods that attack bones , organs, and pressure
points) , and Jutaijutsu ( grappling skills that include , joint manipulation,
throwing, and take down skills). These things incorporated in with weapons
training and ground fighting skills make this a well-rounded martial